The NWT Centre for Geomatics is a GNWT-wide corporate service that provides custom maps, geospatial data creation, analysis and maintenance, data centralization, geospatial web applications, earth observation and software management.
The Centre provides guidance for geospatial data creation and standards for data management. It also facilitates and coordinates training for specialized software packages, use of web map applications, as well as advanced analysis techniques.
The mission of the NWT Centre for Geomatics is to:
- Promote the value of geospatial information as a business decision tool;
- Generate valuable data products for the NWT through the use of cutting edge technology, analysis and expertise;
- Act as a responsible custodian of geospatial data by adhering to and providing guidance on standards.
"Our Northern Heritage - Mapping the NWT"- Video
This video explores the history of mapping in the Northwest Territories, from ancient times with Indigenous trail mapping, to more exploratory times with Samuel Hearne and Alexander Mackenzie. There are also several interviews with key figures from the geomatics community in the north, who discuss the heritage and development of mapping, the NWT Centre for Geomatics, and where things are heading from a geomatics perspective in the future.