GIS is an acronym for geographic information systems. GIS is the term used to describe computer based mapping technologies – it applies to both the technology and the process.
The Northwest Territories Centre for Geomatics (NWTCG) employs GIS staff to provide mapping and spatial analytics to various Government departments and agencies. These services range from map requests to complex analysis of the entire Territory. We share outputs from analysis projects via our map library.
The NWTCG provides large scale plotting/printing services to GNWT Departments as part of project deliverables, with the ability to produce high quality, large wall maps and output posters.
The NWTCG actively promotes geography throughout the territory and communities by participating in public events, conferences and workshops. We coordinate educational programs with schools in different communities to introduce and integrate geography into their curriculum and expose students to some basic GIS skills and exercises.
Our Work
The Geomatics Services Team at the NWTCG shares spatial data for public access and consumption via the NWT Spatial Data Warehouse. The Geomatics Services Team maintains and manages the bulk of the data herein and liaises with data custodians (in various GNWT departments) to ensure the most current and accurate data is made available for access and use.
We host the data on premise and maintain the currency of this data through regular consultation with GNWT departments for mapping requests and analysis. We publish this spatial data as Web Mapping Services (WMS) which are then integrated into applications for easy access and map viewing by GNWT employees and the public.
There are a number of mapping applications available for public access and spatial discovery. The applications are built to meet the specific requirements of business units across the GNWT. For example, we maintain tenure and lease information relative to mining and resource extraction and these are available through the Mineral Tenure Viewer application. Much of the data displayed in these applications are maintained by NWTCG. You can access these on our applications page.