The Boreal Caribou data Package includes layers that are used for Boreal Caribou Range Planning in the NWT. This includes fire history, human disturbance, range planning regions as well as the 2020 Resource Selection Function layers for all seasons. Data sources and contact information can be found within each layer's metadata.
Find a map or geospatial dataset about Indigenous communities or the North. The maps are available as web-based interactive maps or static maps that can be downloaded and printed.
Official geographical names data are provided by the federal, provincial and territorial naming authorities of the Geographical Names Board of Canada GNBC). The Cultural Places Program of the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in the NWT contributes the NWT contribution.
Indigenous-led capacity building. Providing Indigenous Peoples, Nations, and organizations with the tools and training to map their lands, share their stories, and decolonize place and space.
Environmental Liabilities Dashboard is an interactive online mapping tool that the public can use to scroll into communities and see the types of sites that are under the responsibility of the GNWT.
A new StoryMap* that will help people visualize NWT’s changing permafrost landscape. The StoryMap was produced through collaboration between the Northwest Territories Geological Survey (NTGS) and Carleton University Northern Studies MSc student Sarah Simpkin.
The Species and Habitat Map Viewer allows users to browse current map information maintained by the GNWT Wildlife Division and Centre for Geomatics. This support document provides an introduction to the components of the Map Viewer and how to use them
The dataset is a compilation of the boundaries of the 19 NWT Electoral Districts based upon the 2012 Electoral Boundary Commission and the legal descriptions found in Bill 18 of Fifth Session, Seventeenth Legislative Assembly plus any Polling Divisions within each Electoral District as determined by Elections NWT.